Sunday, June 24, 2012

Create your Mindset

One of the biggest things we talk about in this blog is mindset. Mindset is the key essential factor in creating what you want. We have discussed books that can help you improve your thoughts and concepts like law of attraction that help you focus on what you think.

While all this is good today we are actually going to talk about creating the mindset that you want. After all it boils down to the fact that in order to have thoughts become things or to go where you want, you first have to have trained your brain to think and see the things that are necessary to create and achieve your dream.

 So how do you best go about creating the mindset that you want. You look for a mentor, someone that is where you want to be, someone that you share their ideals and beliefs. The reason that you are going to have this mentor is so that you can visualize yourself as being where they are. You are going to do this by watching videos of them, read their books, newsletters, and listen to interviews of them. By doing this you will learn how they think, how they react to things, and what they do when faced with any number of situations.
This is the beginning of your mindset training. Now I know that I sound sort of like Yoda here. "Do or do not. There is no try!" This is not going to be an easy task and it is not going to happen over night. But once you start to think like your mentor then you will start to see possibilities that were not obvious to you before.

The best way to achieve this after studying your mentor is to ask yourself this question with each decision that you make. "What would (mentor)do in this situation? What would they say? How would they react?" You should ask yourself these questions for everything at first. Think about what you have learned, I am not saying that you should literally become this person, that is not it at all. You just want to try and make all the same life choices and actions as much as possible to change your own thought process to be more that way.

This could be my theatre training coming out I know it sound a little method, but honestly there is a reason that method acting works. It takes the actor so far into the thoughts and actions of the character they are portraying that they loose themselves for awhile.

I do not want you to loose that thing that makes you well you. But in order to change your thoughts you really do have to do something radical. So try doing this,, find the person that you wish to most be like and study the heck out of them. I do not care who it is, as long as you have access to lots of stuff that give you insight into their thought processes you should be able to achieve this quite well.

And the most important part of the mindset training is that you never stop, once you have achieved the thing that you want most, your desires will change. So then it will be time to move on, to grow again and to change how you perceive and see the world.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make Your Whys Into Goals

Okay we have been discussing why this week. I want to talk about it little more today. Yes your why if motivating and keeps you going. Yes your why lets others know what it is that you are about. But your why can also be a great stepping stone to your goals. Your why is the very essences of what you are all about. It lets others know where you main drive and passion lies. It also lets people know if they will believe what you believe. Remember that believing what you believe and connecting emotionally like that is why you want to create this why. It is your purpose and mission statement, it is what drives you at two in the morning to keep working. So getting it to your goals is the next step. What is your main goal? What is it that your why drives you to want to give to others? Now is the time to set this information down to paper. If you have not already set down your why and posted that sucker on the wall, do that first. Make sure that you will see it several times a day. Now the goal that you create from this should be set down on paper to. It does not have to be on the wall like your why. Now look at that goal. We are going to break it down into little bitty bite size pieces. No goal should be too big that you cannot accomplish it within a 6 month period. The first goal that you are going to work toward is the one that should go on the wall. The main goals and the others should be placed together and put in a file labeled goals. You will be reviewing these goals at every quarter. Now that you have your first goal you need to go about doing is setting up your to do list for each week. What can you do to work toward that goal this week? Break it down into daily action plans and you are ready to go. Your weekly and daily action plans should be next to your desk at all times. This will mean that you will be working daily to make your goal and working to make others lives better and your life as well. Now be warned life will try and get in the way. The kids will want to get some of your attention. Your spouse might feel a little lonely for a while. The TV or video games or even social media might be calling your name. Avoid the time sucks. We will discuss ways to avoid time suck tomorrow. For now, go and knock out those goals. I know that you can do it. I want you to do it. I want to see you succeed.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Your Why

I have not posted a video here for you guys in a while. I love video as it conveys messages in such a profound and inspired way. So before I tell you about the little viewing treat that I have stumbled across today. (I have seen it many times, but it just happened into my path today and was inspired to reach out. Whispering, "Share me!") I want to share something with you about having dreams, goals a business or journeying on the path of financial education. No matter which of these you choose someone is going to ask you why. As a matter of fact people are asked that questions several times a day. Many people that talk about their why list things like I am working to create something better for my kids. I want to buy a home. These all great whys, but watch what Simon Sinek has to say about why. Now think about the why that drives you to achieve and pursue this. Has it evolved? Should it? Take the time to develop your why. Take the time to make sure that you write it down, plaster it on your wall, let it be the driving force for you. I know I am working on mine right now.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Be Consistent! Set Goals.

So yesterday I talked about how important that it was to believe that you can make money online and I gave a few places to start learning how to write for the purpose of being online. I hope that you got the chance to read it, but just in case you did not here is the link to the post Believing It Can Happen. Okay so now that you have some ideas where you can get paid to learn, let's talk about why this is important. The first part is that when it comes to this, you are trying to learn a new skill. I am a big believer in Rich Dad, Poor Dad and it is my firm belief that you should do a job to learn a skill not to worry about the income that it will produce. So while it is good to see the money that these places can create for you, it is not the main goal. The money is the goal to get you to believe. The money is an incentive to keep going, but the real point of the whole exercise is to give you an education in making an online presence. The point is to get you to be consistent and keep going. And that is what we are going to talk about today. Being consistent is one of the most important skills that you can learn period. Consistency in your dreams and goals help you to stay focused enough to achieve them. Consistency brings about desire to find a way when you really want something. If you really want to see yourself make money online then you must practice writing daily. Another thing that you must do daily is take the time to learn. If you take the time read about what you are interested in for just 15 minutes a day, this will help you to get even more knowledge about what you are trying to achieve. So now you know you have to be consistent the next step should be to make a goal. This goal can be as grandeous as you want it to be. The most important thing is that we have to be able to break down that grandeous goal into smaller goals that we can achieve. Then those goals will be broken down till you can make a daily plan for it. An example would be that you want to make say $500 extra a month, for many people that would be a lot of money. So now you know that breaks down to roughly $125 a week. Okay so let's go one step further, let's say that you are willing to write 5 days a week to do this, that would mean you would have to make $25 a day. Is this an unattainable goal. Not really. You just have to learn what people are looking for that interest you and keep writing about it. Your writing about the subject will improve the more that you learn about it and the more you write about it. You will soon be an expert in your field of interest and who would not love to get paid to talk about and do what they love the most. So today decide what it is that you are interested in and start writing about it. Make sure to be consistent in your writing and learning about the subject. Set a goal and then break it down into daily bite size pieces. And do not stop. PS. Share your goals below I would love to hear your dreams.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Believing it can happen!

I know a lot of people get on the internet and think I would like to make money working from home. I know a lot of my readers are also believers in The Secret. So they start their search and look for ways to make money online and how to attract money and the life that they want. Sometimes we block ourselves by thinking the back of our minds that this just has to be a scam. So I want to share a few tips and tricks for making it possible to believe that these things are possible. There is a way to earn money online. Sometimes we need a little proof that it can happen though. This is my suggestion for those of you that want a small bit of proof that this can be done and that there is money to be had. While that are many ways to earn money online, most want the quick and easy. I will not say this is not possible, but in all my time online I have yet to see the quick and easy work. Most of this stuff takes effort on your part of some kind. One of the best things that you can do to learn how to earn money when you are still new or have not done it before is through writing. I can hear you now, but I am not a writer. That is fine, but much of the interaction done on the internet is still through the written word. Everything from the emails you get to the websites you visit. There is always copy. Yes video is making a lot of impact now days too, it still requires thinking about and writing down what you want to convey. So if writing is so easy on the internet then why is everyone not doing it. The first reason is that most people are looking to get paid by the hour or per sell or something like that. The places I am telling you to go are for complete newbies to writing online. These places give you a chance to learn what is needed to write online and they will pay you too. Now do not get excited by this, many times the pay is very low and the results are slow, but by being consistent and adding more content to the places that you write and working on your writing skills for the internet, you will start to see income. I am not talking about make you rich income, I am not even talking about earn a living income. When you are starting you should be excited to see even small amounts of income. I used to cheer when I would earn a penny for the view of my articles or stories. I know that sounds corny, but hey it was proof that the money was there. So where are these allusive sites that will pay you to earn money. Well they are all over. I will give you a few names to look up. That is right look up. I do not think that giving a link here is helpful to this. You have to want it enough to put in the effort so looking up these sites is going to be your first bit of effort into making your money come to you. Check out Bukisa, Triond, and Yahoo!Voice to start. Go on you know you want to and yes I am giving up the option to refer you, because I believe that strongly in the fact that you have to apply the effort and really prove you want it. =D

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are You Getting What You Want?

My son does this all of the time and it drives me crazy. He says that he wants something. He wants a snack, he wants to play with his sister, he wants to go somewhere, but the minute he gets it he does not want it. It is not what he thought it was going to be, it was not how he wanted to play, it is overwhelming with the crowds or noise. Now in his defense he does have a form of Autism. Life is not that easy for him some days, but he is not the only one I see doing this. I see people all the time talking about what it is that they want and getting it, then figuring out they were not ready for it or it was not how they thought it was going to be. And while that it not a problem, it is the fact that they blame the very thing that they asked for as being the problem. Instead of identifying that there is more to the story. Do you do this? Do you get something that you want and then get angry because it does not meet the expectation that you created for it? I recently watched the Life Class Tour With Oprah and one of the instructors talks about our problem is not the fact that we prayed for something or that did not get what it was that we wanted. We get angry because the thing did not match up with the picture we created in our head that it was going to be. So the real problem is that we are not getting our prayers answered or that the universe is not sending us what we want. It is that we are willing to accept them in the form that they come in. And we are not willing to accept the lessons and blessings that come from having these things come to our lives. So I challenge you to think about something that you recently asked for that you when you got it, it did not make you happy. Now try to figure out why it did not make you happy? What expectations did it not live up? Why did that make you unhappy? What blessings or lessons did you learn from getting it?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Starting, Faith, and Hard Work

Okay so I have been studying this topic for quite a while now. And one of the main things that I have seen that hold people back from getting what they want and what they dream of is themselves. It is quite disheartening to hear someone tell you that they can not get what they want because they are just not meant to have it. I always have to ask the question to these people,"Why is that you think?" And answers where they all differ here and there are basically the same. And the basic answer always boils down to they do not want to do the work to get there or they do not believe that they can or deserve what it is that they want. So my question to you is are you in this area. Do you feel that doing the work to get what you want or where you want is to daunting? Or do you feel that you in some way do not deserve to be happy? There is no wrong answer here, the questions are merely to get you to take a look at you, and be honest here. Do not lie to yourself. This is the time to find out what you believe about yourself and what you believe you are worth. If you feel that you do not deserve to have what is is that you want, why? Why do you think you do not deserve to be happy or wealthy or free? I bet that if you really get honest with yourself you will find that there is an answer. That answer will help to lead you finding a way to work that issue out. I know a lot of people deep down feel that money is the root of all evil, but if you believe that and you are trying to get a better income, then you are really holding yourself back. Or maybe you believe that creating what you want is too much work or you do not know where to begin. For these people I have to say start the beginning and take a step each day. There is no better way to learn something new or to create a habit that you want than just doing a little bit of that thing each day. It does not have to be perfect, it does not have to be right, it does not even have to take all day. It just has to be the effort and time that you have to put into it. So the best advice that I can give to you if you are trying to learn how to create more abundance in your life is to have faith. Have faith in yourself, have faith in the process, and have faith that you deserve it. You also need to start doing whatever it is that you have to planned whether it be a new business, or meditation, or a vision board. You will never reach the goal if you do not take the first step. And the first step does not have to be hard. It can be as simple as making a plan to fit this into your life. And the last bit of advice that I can give to you is that sometimes doing this is hard work and you have to keep yourself going on the days and times that it just feels like you are spinning your wheels. I am not saying do not make adjustments to your process on occasion, but do not give up, you must be consistent and put in the work so you can get out of it what it is that you desire.