Thursday, January 1, 2009

Making money appear

Could it really be that simple. Think about money and be in a positive know it is yours mind frame and it comes to you. I believe so. I can not tell you how many times I have needed something or needed help or was fixing lose a necessity and the money that I needed just came to me. I am have always been in awe of this and grateful for my many blessings.
As I have been studying this Secret this week I have come across a couple who were supposed to be in the Secret DVD, but decided not to continue when the contract for the movie was going to be changed. Their names are Esther and Jerry Hicks. They have some very interesting videos on youtube, I will not bother to post one of those today. Because I decided to go and check out the books that they have written. I really like the writing style and it have found that some these books do have the audio books, cds that I like. I like these because it is not always appropriate to read when you want inspiration, for instance while driving, but you can be listening and get the words and empowerment that you need.
So I am going to give you a like today to the first book I really liked. I hope you enjoy it and that you have time to give it a look over. Ask and It Is Given is the book and there is a CD that goes with it that gives you the process of how to ask for the things that you want. I really think that those following along will find value in the books and the way that they are taught.
Blessings to you and your dreams!

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