Thursday, May 17, 2012

Are You Getting What You Want?

My son does this all of the time and it drives me crazy. He says that he wants something. He wants a snack, he wants to play with his sister, he wants to go somewhere, but the minute he gets it he does not want it. It is not what he thought it was going to be, it was not how he wanted to play, it is overwhelming with the crowds or noise. Now in his defense he does have a form of Autism. Life is not that easy for him some days, but he is not the only one I see doing this. I see people all the time talking about what it is that they want and getting it, then figuring out they were not ready for it or it was not how they thought it was going to be. And while that it not a problem, it is the fact that they blame the very thing that they asked for as being the problem. Instead of identifying that there is more to the story. Do you do this? Do you get something that you want and then get angry because it does not meet the expectation that you created for it? I recently watched the Life Class Tour With Oprah and one of the instructors talks about our problem is not the fact that we prayed for something or that did not get what it was that we wanted. We get angry because the thing did not match up with the picture we created in our head that it was going to be. So the real problem is that we are not getting our prayers answered or that the universe is not sending us what we want. It is that we are willing to accept them in the form that they come in. And we are not willing to accept the lessons and blessings that come from having these things come to our lives. So I challenge you to think about something that you recently asked for that you when you got it, it did not make you happy. Now try to figure out why it did not make you happy? What expectations did it not live up? Why did that make you unhappy? What blessings or lessons did you learn from getting it?

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