Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make Your Whys Into Goals

Okay we have been discussing why this week. I want to talk about it little more today. Yes your why if motivating and keeps you going. Yes your why lets others know what it is that you are about. But your why can also be a great stepping stone to your goals. Your why is the very essences of what you are all about. It lets others know where you main drive and passion lies. It also lets people know if they will believe what you believe. Remember that believing what you believe and connecting emotionally like that is why you want to create this why. It is your purpose and mission statement, it is what drives you at two in the morning to keep working. So getting it to your goals is the next step. What is your main goal? What is it that your why drives you to want to give to others? Now is the time to set this information down to paper. If you have not already set down your why and posted that sucker on the wall, do that first. Make sure that you will see it several times a day. Now the goal that you create from this should be set down on paper to. It does not have to be on the wall like your why. Now look at that goal. We are going to break it down into little bitty bite size pieces. No goal should be too big that you cannot accomplish it within a 6 month period. The first goal that you are going to work toward is the one that should go on the wall. The main goals and the others should be placed together and put in a file labeled goals. You will be reviewing these goals at every quarter. Now that you have your first goal you need to go about doing is setting up your to do list for each week. What can you do to work toward that goal this week? Break it down into daily action plans and you are ready to go. Your weekly and daily action plans should be next to your desk at all times. This will mean that you will be working daily to make your goal and working to make others lives better and your life as well. Now be warned life will try and get in the way. The kids will want to get some of your attention. Your spouse might feel a little lonely for a while. The TV or video games or even social media might be calling your name. Avoid the time sucks. We will discuss ways to avoid time suck tomorrow. For now, go and knock out those goals. I know that you can do it. I want you to do it. I want to see you succeed.

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