Monday, May 9, 2011

Science of Getting Rich

It seems like everybody has their own theory on how to how to stretch their money or how to keep the money they are making. I have see all kinds of advice lately:

1. Cut your costs
2. Cut out all unnecessary spending
3. Learn a new skill
4. Get an extra job, (hello having one job right now can be a really feat)
5. Get rid of your credit cards.
6. Heck I think I even saw one the other day suggesting that people live in their

Okay that last one is a little extreme, but come on. We all know that times are hard for some people right now. We also know that there are more than one way to tackle the problem, and they do not all have to be living without.

So let me get straight to the point.

There are so many ways people are telling you to keep your money, but what are they doing with that money. Living or existing. I am not knocking this, but where are the true successes from such advice. I would say they are few and far between and their path to getting their will be hard for most to follow.

Now you can choose to try and follow these methods or you could choose a different path. We all know that trying to follow every Tom, Dick, and Susie that has done this is going to get frustrating. And if we are trying several different things at once we might even get it wrong. And really do we want to be worried about holding on to our money. I mean I want enough to cover my expense, but I would also like to have more. I do not want to focus on existing, I want to focusing on living.

So what if I told you it was all about the mindset you had and the way you were approaching it? There is a a science to the way you should approach money. I thought that it was such a crock the first time I heard that. A science to money, but why not. There is a science to how your computer runs, the medicines you take, the energy you consume. So why not a science on how to think about money?

Bob Proctor knows about his science and what more he really wants to share this thought process with you. Let him guide your through the formula.

Click Here!

This truly is a blueprint that has been proven to make anyone get rich across the centuries.

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