Sunday, May 15, 2011

Time for a time out!

One of the secrets in The Secret, is that you should change your thinking when you are having a negative thought or conversation in your head. The thought process behind this is that you are focusing of the negative which in turn only bring more negative to you and your life.

So we have all been there. You find yourself having the day from H#@$ and you just cannot stop having these negative thoughts that are going through your head. You know it is bad and you are making things worse by focusing on it. What should you do?

This is time for a time out. I know it sounds so simple and easy, but it is something that I do with my children right? Well I use this approach with my kids yes. But I do not just use this with them when they are in trouble; I use it when they are mad or having negative thoughts about stuff. You know the infamous. "I can't."

But recently I also started to do this for myself; when I am mad or focusing on something that is just not going to do something to make the situation better. I take a time out. I sit on my bed. I relax in my chair. I walk away from the situation. Think you cannot walk away, oh yes you can. Just step away and take a minute of focus on anything that will get you back in a more productive and happy or at least useful mindset.

Do not allow things that could cause you stress and anger or anxiety to take over your thoughts. They have no purpose except to distract you from the powerful being of manifestation that you are. They are there to make you create something for yourself that you do not want. Can you work through the distractions and create the life you want? I sure hope I can and that is way I have started to give myself a time out.

You should give it a try. What is the best that could happen? You could learn to make a life exponentially better and succeed to new heights!

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