Monday, May 21, 2012

Be Consistent! Set Goals.

So yesterday I talked about how important that it was to believe that you can make money online and I gave a few places to start learning how to write for the purpose of being online. I hope that you got the chance to read it, but just in case you did not here is the link to the post Believing It Can Happen. Okay so now that you have some ideas where you can get paid to learn, let's talk about why this is important. The first part is that when it comes to this, you are trying to learn a new skill. I am a big believer in Rich Dad, Poor Dad and it is my firm belief that you should do a job to learn a skill not to worry about the income that it will produce. So while it is good to see the money that these places can create for you, it is not the main goal. The money is the goal to get you to believe. The money is an incentive to keep going, but the real point of the whole exercise is to give you an education in making an online presence. The point is to get you to be consistent and keep going. And that is what we are going to talk about today. Being consistent is one of the most important skills that you can learn period. Consistency in your dreams and goals help you to stay focused enough to achieve them. Consistency brings about desire to find a way when you really want something. If you really want to see yourself make money online then you must practice writing daily. Another thing that you must do daily is take the time to learn. If you take the time read about what you are interested in for just 15 minutes a day, this will help you to get even more knowledge about what you are trying to achieve. So now you know you have to be consistent the next step should be to make a goal. This goal can be as grandeous as you want it to be. The most important thing is that we have to be able to break down that grandeous goal into smaller goals that we can achieve. Then those goals will be broken down till you can make a daily plan for it. An example would be that you want to make say $500 extra a month, for many people that would be a lot of money. So now you know that breaks down to roughly $125 a week. Okay so let's go one step further, let's say that you are willing to write 5 days a week to do this, that would mean you would have to make $25 a day. Is this an unattainable goal. Not really. You just have to learn what people are looking for that interest you and keep writing about it. Your writing about the subject will improve the more that you learn about it and the more you write about it. You will soon be an expert in your field of interest and who would not love to get paid to talk about and do what they love the most. So today decide what it is that you are interested in and start writing about it. Make sure to be consistent in your writing and learning about the subject. Set a goal and then break it down into daily bite size pieces. And do not stop. PS. Share your goals below I would love to hear your dreams.

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